What is an old Australian banknote worth?
Values, images, and specifications for Australian banknotes.
All Coin Values resource website
Australia banknotes
Pre-decimal and other early issue
banknotes were often very low mintage,
due to the low population of Australia,
and with circulation and handling, wore
fairly quickly.
The conversion to decimilisation in the
1960's saw most remaining banknotes
taken out of circulation, resulting in a low
survival rate for pre-decimal era banknotes
in collectible condition.
Decimal era Australian banknotes are much
more common and sturdy, and much more
readily available.
However collectors do look for anomolies.
First prefix, last prefix, errors, and star notes
often fetch a significant premium over general
issue banknotes, as do radar serials,
solid serials, and semi-solid serials.
Consecutive serial numbers are particular
sought after by collectors, and sold together
can demand a significant premium.
Prior to 1910, Australia's
official currency was United
Kingdom coinage, although
in earlier years several
currencies circulated within
Australia, which at the time
was a collection of
British colonies.
Most circulating banknotes
in Australia prior to federation
were in the form of promisory
notes, issued by local and
regional banks, promising to
pay the bearer the notes value
in sterling upon demand.
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